I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!
We are going to have a wedding AND baptismal service this 11th and 12th of August!!!!!!
After weeks of not seeing Gustavo and Dunia, we met with them again and they are getting their papers ready to be married NEXT WEEK! And one of the members here is paying for everything. This truly is a miracle. The first time we met with them, they said they might never get married, then it was "maybe", then "maybe next year", then "maybe this year", and now they are getting married in just 2 weeks! At first they wanted a big wedding with a dress and fiesta, but now they know what is really important: the baptism. We might not celebrate with more than a small cake, but there will surely be a fiesta in the heavens.
We also have had an interesting time with some investigators named Adriana, Patricia, Jefferson, and Josue. We found Adriana in her yard raking and asked if we could help, and later started to teach her. She doesnt understand hardly anything, so we started teaching her daughter, Patricia. She doesnt want to join us to go to church, so she sent her twin grandkids Jefferson and Josue to go with us. And without even teaching them, they started asking about being baptized in the church. They are still young but me and Hermana Cabañas both feel like they are ready for baptism, interesting chain of events in order to find those who are truly prepared. And we might have FOUR baptisms this 12th of August!
It is truly unbelievable what all is happening. I have been so frustrated working here and not seeing much happen. We went to our district meeting this friday and reviewed our goals for this past month- every companionship but us had 4 or 5 baptisms in the month of July. We were talking about what we can change in Yusguare to see the same success. Our district leader Elder Judd shared the scripture in Ether which talks about not seeing a witness until after the trial of your faith. Everyone in our district was just testifying to us that we are doing exactly what were supposed to be doing, and the Lord will bless us for our efforts. I got pretty teary, and decided I would fast the next day to see this witness.
God is aware.
He sees our efforts.
He blesses us if our desires our righteous.
I fasted all saturday, the day Gustavo and Dunia told us they would get everything ready to be married in two weeks, and the day Patricia told us she would send her grandkids to church with us.
I feel like Ammon in the Book of Mormon in Alma 26, after all that weve been through, all this work, have I not reason to rejoice?
I have!
The song by David Archuleta, Glorious, that plays at the end of the movie Meet the Mormons comes to mind every time I see the Lords hand like this. This gospel is glorious, the Book of Mormon is glorious, eternal families are glorious, the Savior is glorious.
1. Just what you all were wondering, "what is Hermana Morgan eating out there in wild wild Cholutexas???" This is a typical dinner, tortillas, cuajada (cheese), avocado, beans, fried plantains with mantequilla, and a fried egg. Prepared by one of our favorite members Ana Gabriel.
2. This week is the town fair in Yusguare! One day I will return and actually participate, but for now I will just buy street popcorn to eat for dinner.
3. These are nance, a fruit that grows everywhere here. We have 2 nance trees in our yard, along with a tamarind tree and a lime tree.
4. We have Noche de Cine every week now where we invite investigators, members, everyone to watch a church-related movie. Th cotton candy we bought from the fair, but the popcorn we make ourselves. After 5 weeks I am now a pro-popcorn popper!
5. Jefferson, Josue, and me after church
6. Making baleadas last night with the Portillo family! If it looks like Im crying, its because I am actually crying. The smoke from cooking tortillas is horrible, but worth it!
7. Cant make tortillas to save my life but I can pose and pretend like I did more than just watch and cry in the smoke.
8. Baleadas! They consist of a flour tortilla, beans, dry cheese, and mantequilla. This is the most famous, and most typical food from Honduras. And most delicious!
9. This morning trying on all of my clothes. This whole time I havent worn any of the proseltying pants I brought, and now they are all falling off me. We walk...a lot!
2. This week is the town fair in Yusguare! One day I will return and actually participate, but for now I will just buy street popcorn to eat for dinner.
3. These are nance, a fruit that grows everywhere here. We have 2 nance trees in our yard, along with a tamarind tree and a lime tree.
4. We have Noche de Cine every week now where we invite investigators, members, everyone to watch a church-related movie. Th cotton candy we bought from the fair, but the popcorn we make ourselves. After 5 weeks I am now a pro-popcorn popper!
5. Jefferson, Josue, and me after church

6. Making baleadas last night with the Portillo family! If it looks like Im crying, its because I am actually crying. The smoke from cooking tortillas is horrible, but worth it!
7. Cant make tortillas to save my life but I can pose and pretend like I did more than just watch and cry in the smoke.
8. Baleadas! They consist of a flour tortilla, beans, dry cheese, and mantequilla. This is the most famous, and most typical food from Honduras. And most delicious!
9. This morning trying on all of my clothes. This whole time I havent worn any of the proseltying pants I brought, and now they are all falling off me. We walk...a lot!
Hasta El Fin.